A love triangle ( real or imagined) between DeNiro, Pesci and a sultry blonde? Check.
“Casino” was the third Scorsese movie starring Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci, and it employs many things we’ve already seen from at least one of the other two ( Raging Bull and GoodFellas) The greatest joke in the history of Spade’s “Hollywood Minute” bit on Saturday Night Live was two words. Now that you know the opinions of the honorees of this blog-a-thon, let me share with you why I would rather have a root canal with no anesthetic than sit through this movie again. this event is being hosted by by 18 Cinema Lane. NOTE: This installment of Movies Everybody Loves That I Hate is being done as part of something called The Siskel and Ebert at the Blog-A-Thon, which is all about discussions of Siskel and Ebert themselves, movies that Siskel and/or Ebert have reviewed, or their show itself.
This movie is not on my list of essential films. Movies Everybody Loves That I Hate: Episode 5 – “Casino”